Friday, April 9, 2010

Advanced country-JAPAN (Japan' s enviromentally-friendly ball)

As we know, Japan is known as an advance country. Look what they have just invented:


The eco-friendly laundry ball is an enviromentally-friendly product that can be used in place of laundry detergent in any washing machine. It comes in the shape of a ball and does not contain any chemical substances. It will save you money, save water and make your laundry more eco friendly. You use them instead of washing powder and yes, they do really work.
The outer part of the laundry ball is specially designed to add extra friction to the water in the machine. This balls adds higher pressure will increase the cleaning strength of the laundry ball.There are three eco balls in each box. You put all three balls in the washing machine with your clothes, each one contains pellets made of mineral salts that produce ionized oxygen, which combined with the movement of the balls on your clothes, penetrates deep into your washing, lifting dirt and grime away. Because there's a lot less to rinse out, you can use a shorter cycle, and wash at a lower temperature. The kit lasts for up to 1,000 washes. ( The laundry ball is made up of four types of ceramic balls. It generates strong far-infrated rays and adds power to the penetrating force and washing ability of water.)                                                                   

Monkeys are INTELLIGENT!

    Monkeys are mischievous but intelligent. They learn things by watching humnans do things such as peeling bananas and crack nuts.

In a troop of monkeys, here will be one that is extremely big with radiant eyes. He is the leader of the troop and is knowh as the Monkey King. He is responsible for the safety of the other mnonkeys in his troop and protects his own domain from invasion by other monkeys not of his troop.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Do You Know?


DO YOU KNOW? Dolphins do save drowning swimmers by dragging them to the shore? Sometimes a school of dolphins will drive away a shark from attacking a drowning person.
   According to scientific research, the action of a dolphin in rescuing a person is a form of playing.Dolphins like to play with things that float on the surface of the ocean. So when a dolphin sees a person drowning, it will immediately try to rescue that person.

The Biodata of Dolphins

How much do you know about DOLPHINS?
Dolphins are mammals.
They have streamlined bodies,smooth skin and powerful tails to enable them to swim swiftly in the ocean
Dolphins have sharp teeth and they feed mainly on fish. a school of dolphins catch fish by surroudinga shoal of fish and eating them as they move towards the centre of the circle they form.
A dolphin breathes when it jumps up into the air. Each breathe a dolphin takes will provide it with air for 20 to 30 minutes. Dolphins are intelligent animals. A trained dolphin can perform tricks to entertain.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Ichi...Ni...San...mean 1 2 3 in Japenese. These are 1 to 100 that my friend taught me.

Ju ichi-11
Ju ni-12
Ju san-13
Ju go-14
Ju yon-15
Ju roku-16
Ju nana-17
Ju hachi-18
Ju kyu-19
Ni ju-20
Ni ju ichi-21
(others are almost the same)